Motorhome travel in Norway

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Public right of way in Norway

Motorhome / Camper van travel in Norway. Motorhome wild camping, free camping, free parking

Public right of access to the outdoors is part of  Norway’s cultural heritage, set forth in the Outdoor recreation act of 1957.

Motorhome travel in Norway - Public right of way

Motorhome travel in Norway – Public right of way

The Act permits various activities on untilled land (not cultivated fields, pasture or new stands of trees) and also imposes obligations. Observing its straightforward provisions ensures continued public right of access.

Off site parking, often called wild camping, free camping, or free parking, refers to mobile homes overnight parking away from official stopping places such as a campsite or a council provided motorhome stopover. Wild free camping in a motorhome is legal in Norway. In other countries overnight motorhome parking is neither legal nor illegal and in many countries wild camping is forbidden.

You can park your motorhome and overnight in rest areas stop areas all around Norway.

Remember that the distance to the nearest house or cabin must be 150 metres. If you want to stay more than two nights in one place, you must obtain the landowner’s permission. In the mountains or other desolate areas considered to be outlying land, you can put up a tent without permission. However, you must always treat nature with respect and care and show consideration for the owner and other people nearby.

With the exception of fishing for saltwater fish and hunting for huntable marine species, hunting and fishing is not a public right.

You are allowed to:
•Walk and hike in summer and ski in winter on land and sail along the coast year round.
•Pick berries, flowers and mushrooms.
•Pick nuts eaten on the spot.
•Camp for two days at one place.
•Bathe and swim in the sea and in lakes.
•Ramble on foot or cycle on trails and roads.
•Build a fire in winter (15 September – 15 April).
•Children up to age 15 need no licence to fish in fresh water and, with some restrictions, may fish with tackle in salt water.

You should not:
•Litter or discard rubbish outdoors.
•Break off branches or otherwise damage live bushes or trees.
•Cross or stay on tilled land, meadows, garden, house plots or farmyards in summer.
•Build a fire in wooded areas in summer (15 April – 15 September).
•Disturb animals or birds, including nests and nestlings.
•Take eggs from nests.
•Protected areas and preserves can have restrictions that protect plant and animal life by prohibiting access or picking.

Contact the landowner

It’s wise to contact the landowner if you plan an organized trip crossing or intend to camp several days at one place on his/her land. Several associations have benefited by taking along the landowner as a local tour guide.

Motorhome search engine Norway and Scandinavia



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